Mapmaking and navigation experts TomTom touchdown in Pune, as city crosses the 50 lakh vehicle mark.

TomTom Inaugurates Traffic Centre at Pune Centre of Excellence, India
Pune, India, August 31 2017 TomTom (TOM2) inaugurated its latest Traffic Centre at its Centre of Excellence in Pune, India. As Pune recently has crossed the 50 lakh mark of vehicles plying on its roads,their arrival can be nothing short of being at the right moment. The Traffic Centre in Pune is a part of TomTom’s global network of Traffic Centres, showcasing TomTom’s intelligent technology for traffic and travel management. Which The Traffic Centre in Pune will demonstrate how TomTom turns data into actionable insights that can help traffic city planners and inhabitants make smarter decisions, reducing road congestion and enhancing mobility in cities.
“Pune joins our Amsterdam and Berlin sites in showcasing TomTom’s technology and engineering excellence in the area of navigation, maps and traffic which can help pave the way to smarter mobility,” said Alain De Taeye, Member of Management Board, TomTom. “As our largest site outside of Amsterdam, Pune contributes significantly to our map and traffic products, enabling cities to realise their smart cities vision,” he added.
“Every day we work with innovative mapmaking technologies and engineering innovations such as TomTom’s HD Map with RoadDNA – our next-generation location technology for autonomous driving, while crunching Big Data through artificial intelligence to generate predictive traffic intelligence,” said Dhanashree Rajopadhye, Director Software Engineering, TomTom India. “The Traffic Centre showcases our maps and traffic which are derived by our proprietary data fusion engine from trillions of GPS measurements, every minute of the day,” she added.
The TomTom Traffic centre will help in delivering a real time, comprehensive understanding of traffic speeds on the entire road network, including rich live and historic insights into traffic flows and trends. It will showcase traffic management expertise to governments, B2B and automotive licensing partners and other stakeholders interested in how they can start planning for a smarter future.
The TomTom Traffic Centres support TomTom City, an online portal which provides up-to-date traffic and travel planning information for cities, citizens and professionals in over 100 cities worldwide.
About TomTom
TomTom empowers movement. With such a boom in infrastructure and rise in number of vehicles around the streets of the world, gadgets and technologies from TomTom help millions around the world to get to their destinations, without much hassle. The map-based components include map content, online map-based services, real-time traffic and navigation software. The consumer products include PNDs, navigation apps and sports watches. The main business products are custom in-dash navigation systems and a fleet management system, which is offered to fleet owners as an online service with integrated in-vehicle cellular devices. Their business consists of four customer facing business units: Automotive, Licensing, Telematics and Consumer.
Founded in 1991 and headquartered in Amsterdam, TomTom has more than 4,700 employees worldwide. To know more about Tomtom, visit